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The four golden principles of school life

The four golden principles of school life, effort, organization, collaboration and participation, will help you up your game as a student and are the perfect tools to make you the favorite student of every teacher.


“Life doesn’t require that we be the best, only that we try our best.” For teachers it often does not matter, how good you are, but how hard you tried. Try putting effort in every single assignment and you will see the results. Nevertheless, do not be disappointed in yourself when you have a failing grade, if you know that you tried your best and you know that you studied very hard. Maybe, you could discuss this with your teacher and find a more effective way to study, or you could have a look under studying, what type of learner you are and how you can study effectively.


Hardly any teacher likes the student that always forgets his or her homework or misses deadlines. Organization is very important and shows that you can take on the responsibilities in life. Also, being organized can save you a lot of stress. For more tips on organization, look under Assignments and make sure you will never forget a thing!


Kind students are also one of the most liked students. They are social and can collaborate well with their classmates. Collaboration is a very useful skill to have in life, since you get along with lots people without problems and you are the perfect teammate for a group presentation. Be aware, that students that are able to collaborate well can often be quiet chatty, which is sometimes a good thing, but can also turn out to be a bad thing. Don’t chat in class, unless the teacher wants you to, you are talking with the teacher or you raise your hand, which brings me to the last golden principle: participation.


Teachers love it when their students participate in their classes. So make sure you raise your hand often and sit up straight, which gives the illusion that you are participate. A bad example, which makes teachers believe you are not participating, is when you are doing something else, or you are writing something whilst the teacher is saying something. Furthermore, a useful tip for avoiding being picked when not knowing the answer to a question or not wanting to a presentation, is to participate in the lesson and make it seem that you are listening and sit up straight, however avoid eye-contact when the teacher is picking someone to either answer the question or do the presentation.

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