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How to become an early riser

Still struggling with getting up at the right time for school? Let us help you! Read this quick list of tips and tricks and be surprised of what you can do to become an early riser!

Of course, we understand the need to stay in your warm, comfortable bed a little while longer, especially on those mid-week days when the weekend still seems years away. And as much as we would love to dream on, every student is still looking for a way to be able to afford to stay in bed just 5 more minutes, but why not learn how to become that mythical creature that actually gets out of bed when it needs to? No, we can't promise that you will turn into this creature overnight, but with just the right amount of time, you will be surprised how much your habits can change, if you really want them to. Here are a few tips, which will definitely help you get up!

1. Set multiple alarms

When you put multiple alarms the night before, you are assured that you won't sleep through your alarm and that you will wake up for sure. Set two to three different alarms if you are a deep sleeper, and vary them from a time range from 15 to 5 minutes before and on the time you actually need to wake up. If you can, you could also try to set these alarms with different sounds to make your mind get used to different tones.

2. Put your alarm clock across your room

This hack gives you a choice: let the alarm clock ring and ring and ring and ring and ring and ring, or wake yourself up by getting out of bed for a sec and turning the alarm clock off. When you choose to stop/snooze the alarm clock, getting out of bed activates your brain and makes it stop producing Melatonin (hormone which makes you sleepy) so that you can start the day in a non-grumpy way. Also, if you are really struggling to get up, ask someone to hide your alarm clock in your room. When you look for it in the morning this wakes up the senses and rational thinking!

3. Prepare yourself for the next day

Ever feel lazy when you wake up? Everybody does, so to make it easier for yourself, prepare the following day in the evening before. Try to put together an outfit for your next day, pack your lunch and bag, and maybe even try to set a plate, bowl, and glass for your breakfast so you don't have to bother the next morning. Especially when you have a tight time schedule in the morning, this could be very handy.

4. Go to bed at the right time

The average student needs about 8 or 9 hours of sleep a night, but let's be realistic: you probably don't sleep that much on a regular school night. However, do try to be consistent on the time on which you go to sleep and wake up. When you follow a regular pattern daily, it will soon become very easy to wake up at the right time every morning. Get to know how much sleep you personally need and how much time you need to prepare yourself for school in the morning and try to process this into your daily pattern.

5, Motivate yourself to wake up

As usually, the body and its habits don't decide everything: the mind might even be stronger. That is why, it is also very important to have the right mind-set and view to waking up. Instead of thinking, "Whyyyyy??????" when the alarm goes off, try to be positive and say to yourself, "I'm really looking forward to ...". This helps you to get the day off to a good start and also stops grumpiness, which is usually caused by thinking negatively about some things, or just ignoring the good parts of the day that are about to come.

6. Drink a glass of water and go to the bathroom

Drinking a glass of water in the morning will immediately wake up your system and also gives it enough water to rehydrate after a long time of having no water. Try to remember to drink as soon as you hit your alarm clock: it will make you feel more awake and fight the sleepiness, probably still hovering over you as you have just woken up. Besides that, also go to the bathroom, this will help your body get rid of the things that you really don't need to start a healthy day, and also leaves you feeling much more refreshed.

7. Take a shower

Yes, this part of the morning is really unforgettable. Especially when you have a hard time waking up, taking a shower will help you to. Try to keep the temperature lukewarm, or even cold: this leaves room for your brain to respond to this sense and also makes your body move so it will be warmer. If showering in the morning isn't an option for you, at least try to wash your face with some cold water and optionally also pat your chest, wrists, and neck to instantly feel more refreshed.

8. Stick to a regular schedule

Keep your morning routine the same on every weekday, and the weekends as well! This will make your body get used to the routine and act faster and faster every day it is repeated. It will make you more comfortable and will most surely help you achieve to become an early riser!


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